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    Several security gaps in Firefox ESR

    If you browse the internet with Firefox, you should update the Firefox ESR promptly. The developers have closed several security gaps in current versions. Users...

    Dangerous vulnerability in Cloud Director provides malicious codes

    If you implement and manage virtual machines with VMware software, you should update the Cloud Director. Otherwise, attackers can crash virtual machines or even...

    Apple has just patched the recent iOS 13.5.1 jailbreak

    Okay, so remember when a group of hackers launched a "jailbreak" that could get into Apple's iPhone system? The bad news just dropped for...

    FBI and the US Government present a list of the most exploited vulnerabilities

    Windows systems don't patch regularly, so there are always avoidable security incidents. Attackers often prefer attacks on old, unpatched vulnerabilities, because often less resources...

    A critical vulnerability in Apple’s convenient sign in service

    The vulnerability allows an attacker to authenticate himself as any user to a service or app that uses the Apple login service. This would...

    $100 Million in Bug Bounties paid to Ethical Hackers by Hackerone

    The term, hacking, can represent a bridge. In the middle lies the clients; at one end of the bridge lies the hackers, who set...

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