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    Canyon claims to have been the victim of a professional cyber attack

    The bike manufacturer Canyon claims to have been the victim of a professional cyberattack a few days ago. While the web shop should work as usual, there may be delays in customer contact and in the delivery of ordered bikes.

    The Perpetrators Managed To Gain Access To The IT Systems At Canyon

    Apparently it is a professionally organized group of perpetrators who specialize in attacking companies. The perpetrators managed to gain access to the IT systems at Canyon. The software and server were encrypted and thereby paralyzed in places. The website was not affected: Orders via the web shop could  be placed as usual. In the meantime the attack has been identified and stopped according to the current state of knowledge.

    Canyon cyberattack

    Immediately after the cyberattack became known, Canyon informed the responsible authorities. Since then, there has been close cooperation with the police and the State Criminal Office. The State Commissioner for Data Protection has been informed too. Criminal charges are brought against the perpetrators. Experts from the fields of IT and cyber security were able to quickly analyze and control the attack and have already initiated solutions and countermeasures.

    The encryption of the IT infrastructure temporarily massively affected the work and business processes says Canyon founder and managing director Roman Arnold. The site was directly affected by the ransomware attack. This has also affected all international subsidiaries, with the exception of the US company, which works with its own IT system.

    The Company Expects Customer Contact And Delivery Delays In The Next Few Days

    The company writes that they want to do everything possible to keep the effects for customers and fans as low as possible and to get back to normal as soon as possible.

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