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    Developments in the cybersecurity environment 2021

    At the beginning of the year, many IT security companies are making forecasts about developments in the cybersecurity environment. The Internet World has compiled the most important cyber trends in 2021.

    With increasing online usage during the pandemic, the number of cyber attacks also increased. This trend will continue in 2021. Researchers have scoured various cybersecurity environment and identified the following risks:

    Extortion Without End

    As early as 2020, many companies had to deal with ransomware. Cyber ​​attackers no longer stop themselves to encrypt victim information in order to demand a ransom for decryption. Rather, the attackers have moved on to increase their profit. IT security experts say that the cyber attackers have started to suck up the information before encrypting it in order to obtain private data. The victims are then threatened with the publication of the stolen documents if they are not paid accordingly.

    cybersecurity environment

    Malware Will Continue To Plague Us In 2021

    The malwares are likely to become even more varied. The reason, according to the IT security experts: With 5G, operators provide fast and reliable access to millions or hundreds of millions of small devices that are often not well secured”. The companies warn that this will further increase the risk that these IoT networks will be used for cyber attacks.

    5G Is Becoming A Cyber Attack Target

    With the ongoing rollout of 5G, the cyber attackers are increasingly focusing on the mobile systems themselves. The IoT activites will not only affect the intended targets, but can also cause collateral damage in the victims network. This is a risk for companies because they are increasingly dependent on cellular systems and 5G – after all, many providers are based on digital innovations.

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