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    Extended business deal between US government and Huawei after data theft secrets

    The U.S. government has extended U.S. business dealings with the Chinese Huawei group for a shorter period of time.

    The new postponement is valid for almost 2 months until April. Previously, it had been 90 days several times. At the same time, the US Department of Justice tightened its charges against the smartphone provider and network supplier with other allegations of industrial espionage. Huawei rejects the allegations.

    Huawei data theft

    The Main Concern Is To Avoid The Huawei Transmission Technology

    The United States placed Huawei on a list of companies whose business relationships with US partners are subject to strict controls. Shortly afterwards, certain transactions were permitted by means of a special permit. The US government’s main concern is to avoid failures in smaller American mobile phone providers in rural areas who have equipped their networks with Huawei transmission technology. The postponement is said to give affected customers more time to switch to products from other manufacturers, according to the Ministry of Commerce.

    For users of Huawei smartphones, the step means that Google can continue to update its apps on phones with the Android operating system. At the same time, Huawei has not been able to bring Google services to its new models since last year. With updates to the Android system developed by Google, Huawei can also supply old and new devices with an embargo, because they can be obtained in an open source version.

    In the case, which was tightened on Thursday – the United States accuses Huawei of violations of sanctions law, cyberattack, theft of business secrets and espionage on behalf of the Chinese government. The names of the affected US companies are not mentioned, but details indicate that the router specialists should be one of the concerns. The US Department of Justice now accuses Huawei of violating sanctions against North Korea with secret deliveries.

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