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    Politics Focuses On Cyber Security

    With an increasing number of cybersecurity requirements, states worldwide are trying to ensure their ability to assess and control the security of complex digital systems.

    Politics Cybersecurity

    Due to global networking, attacks on information technologies stop at national borders just as little as data transfer on the Internet. Between 2000 and 2018, cyberattacks increased almost eightfold in Europe. According to the Security Threat Report, the number of such attacks on networked devices have increased.

    On the one hand, USA and Europe base their regulations on very similar principles and define similar instruments; Personal responsibility of the operator, security measures appropriate to the risks, standardized management systems, incident reporting, cooperation between government and business. This clearly distinguishes Europe and the USA from the surveillance-oriented cybersecurity rules in Asia.

    Similar View Of Cyber Risks

    For many decades, the United States and Europe have been pioneers of globally adaptable compliance models that can be used to manage entrepreneurial risks in a comprehensible manner. The United States and Europe also have the largest trade and investment relationship in the world. Digital services and products play a large part in this. Both share a similar view of cyber risks, the roles of companies and the state, and the need for procedures based on the rule of law.

    Defense Strategies Must Be Coordinated Internationally

    The overall level of protection is only as strong as the weakest link in the chain. An open global market for cybersecurity products and services is therefore necessary. Bilateral and international trade agreements must harmonize international security requirements and standards. In the area of law enforcement, legal assistance agreements are required that enable timely law enforcement in the digital space. In addition, common international standards for state access to communication and information structures should be developed. Bilateral declarations of intent to ban industrial espionage also need to be substantiated quickly.

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