The Italian beverage maker Campari went offline last week after a ransomware. The cyber attack, known by the company as a ransomware was detected on November 2nd and caused certain information on some of the company’s servers to be encrypted. “We acknowledge that some data leak has occurred: we are still investigating the ransomware, determining the extent to which the availability of data has been lost,” the company said in a statement.
Campari also notes that cybersecurity teams help to contain the issue, take additional security measures and contact the Italian police. Although the way of the ransomware has not been confirmed, the clear giveaway is that it describes data that is being encrypted and that this indicates the malware.

As a result, the company initiated a temporary shutdown of IT networks to control them. These networks were then restored and gradually put back into safe conditions.
A Ragnar Locker Ransomware
Those behind the cyber attack asked for 15 million dollars to be paid in cryptocurrency. A cyber attack notice states, “We have breached your security data and are gaining access to every network in different countries across all of your offices,” before analysing the kind of sensible data. The stolen data is said to contain accounting documents, statements and employee data.

Cyber attacks are one of the fastest growing malware threats, and this case is just one of many to show that most companies today are not prepared for a ransomware. Companies should always have a comprehensive view of their security and evaluate all networks used and the gaps that are most likely to pose a danger for data leak. In fact, anyone who owns a technological device is a target. Hackers tend to go to big companies like Campari, where they can get more for their money.