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    The US says Huawei has been spying through ‘back doors’

    Chinese telecommunications equipment supplier Huawei is said to have backdoors, to the way to worldwide telecommunications network that works to access data. According to U.S. intelligence, this would have been the case for more than ten years. Huawei rejects the rights.

    Specifically, according to the report of US sources, Huawei should be able to use eavesdropping interfaces for law enforcement officers in telecommunications networks. This happens without the knowledge of the network operator. Telecommunications equipment manufacturers must ensure that they have no access to these backdoors. The use of this interception interface is in the rule only the law enforcement agencies reserved and underlying to the state legal rules.

    U.S Huawei

    Exclusion From 5G Networks

    For some time now, the United States has accused Huawei of installing back doors in network components for mobile networks, especially new 5G networks, and using them to spy on instructions from the Chinese government. Huawei has always dismissed these claims as unfounded. No examples and evidence of the allegations have been provided by the United States. However, the U.S. had informed its allies, including the UK and Germany, of its findings to prevent Huawei from using components when building new 5G cellular networks. The US fears that a possible espionage in the core networks could endanger the national security of the USA as well as that of the allied states.

    The European Union has spoken out against a general exclusion of Huawei in the 5G network expansion. Instead, security standards should apply to all telecommunications equipment suppliers and be applied and controlled by the responsible federal authorities. The Federal Government will submit an amendment to the Telecommunications Act and the IT Security Act. It is unclear to what extent the new findings from the USA influence the process that has been undertaken to date. However, the harsh evidence announced by the United States is not the latest knowledge.

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