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    Tracking app unjustified in Google data suspicion of the police

    An American has been suspected of burglary by the police because of a fitness app. The innocent man drove his bike past the crime scene for an hour longer and was suspected by the police thanks to recorded GPS data.

    Google would provide this data if the suspect did not want to take legal action. McCoy is a passionate cyclist and therefore has a tracking app on his smartphone like many other athletes. The app records the route covered by GPS and then evaluates it with numerous statistics. This app was fatal to McCoy because he drove past an elderly lady’s house three times within an hour, who was being broken into at the time. Since his routes were recorded by GPS, this made him a prime suspect in the police force. But how does the police get the GPS data of the man?

    Google Admits Users Privacy Issues

    This case is exciting because on the one hand, it shows how criminal cases can be solved more easily with modern technology and on the other hand, it quickly leads to suspicions of innocent people. It also uncovers a hole in Google’s privacy. The company already admitted that location data of users can also be done without the activation of GPS. The company says it is working to fill these gaps in the privacy of users.

    In the United States, the police can use a surveillance tool that accesses all GPS, Bluetooth and other cellular data near crime scenes. The police also use data from users who have nothing to do with the offense and who sometimes fail to notice that their data has been used. The case ended up being positive for McCoy, and he was able to prove his innocence with a lawyer.

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