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    Apple and Google facilitate technical foundation for data protection

    Apple and Google want to facilitate the development of apps for tracking corona infections. They rely on the detection of distances using Bluetooth technology and encryption. The protection of privacy and the security of users will be the focus of this development. The iOS operating system from Apple and the Android system should have the appropriate interfaces.

    The concept envisages that smartphones can exchange temporary identification numbers regardless of the operating system used, so that the privacy of the user is preserved. The concept of the two groups thus resembles the approach of the  initiative, which was presented by many developers.

    Collaboration Between Android and iOS Devices

    Among other things, Google and Apple want to ensure that the constant exchange of ID numbers does not significantly reduce the battery life of the devices. In a first step, a programming interface will be published, which enables the collaboration between Android and iOS devices using apps from the health authorities. These official apps would be available for users to download through their respective app stores. In a second step, the two companies will work in the coming months to enable a more comprehensive platform for tracking contacts. This functionality would then be integrated directly into the operating system. This is a more stable solution than a programming interface and will allow more individuals to participate after opting in. In addition, the interaction with a wider ecosystem of apps and state health authorities will be possible.

    Through close collaboration with developers, governments and public healthcare providers, the power of technology will help countries around the world slow down the spread of Covid 19 and return to everyday life accelerate. Users who want to benefit from the initiative of Google and Apple have to update the operating system. Apple said it would ensure that virtually all iOS devices were provided with a corresponding update.

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