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    DevOps practices are designed to write safer codes

    Satisfied developers write safer code and are measurably more productive about DevSecOps practice. The seventh edition of the annual survey examines what makes developers happy and what annoys them and how it affects the results of their work. It shows trends in the area of secure programming of apps and focuses on developer satisfaction.

    Security Tools Are Implemented More Often By DevOps

    DevOps teams implement security tools in their processes around twice as often as inexperienced teams and also automate security checks. Experienced DevOps are better informed about security breaches.

    They know of security vulnerabilities from one of their open source components, compared to others with less mature DevOps practices. Respondents who rated their satisfaction as high and very high dealt with security aspects of the code significantly more often and could also comply more strictly with the open source guidelines. It is not surprising that these respondents also state that they enjoy their work more and that they are more motivated. Closer cooperation with the security teams also leads to increased satisfaction among the respondents, who relied on rumors less when it came to security problems. Another key to employee satisfaction is training: Employees who received training in safe programming from the company enjoyed more often their work.

    DevOps Practices Measurably Accelerate The Speed Of Development

    The key finding is that DevOps practices measurably accelerate the speed of development. Unlike in the previous year, more than half of the respondents now state that they provide code for production at least once a week. Teams that use DevOps processes during development should integrate automated security tools into their deployment lifecycle. Firewalls for web apps, open source governance and intrusion detection are currently the most popular tools.


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