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    The online security summit is trying to provide answers

    The urgent change of home office could also have caused security gaps, making security measures and security awareness all the more important. At the first online security summit on June 4, there will be expert tips presentated. The new challenges to protect companies from cyber attacks.

    The Fact Is: The Number Of Cyberattacks Is Rapidly Increasing

    The corona situation has contributed significantly to this. On the one hand, the corona pandemic affected IT security. This is particularly evident in the increased number of successful cyber attacks, especially the phishing attacks around Corona. In addition to the need to move to the home office at lightning speed, the increased use of private devices, the holding of much more video conferences and the increased need for data transmission also had an impact on the security situation. Especially now that many companies are in the process of starting up again after the crisis, those responsible for IT security are well advised to think about measures in good time. If employees are to return to their office workplaces, measures must be taken to bring users, devices and data safely back into the company network. It should not be forgotten that you can inject home office risks into the company.

    The Online Summit Will Give An Overview Of How To Protect Yourself From Cyber Attacks

    Online security summit will specifically address challenges related to corona. But secure workload transfer to the cloud will also be an issue. Experts will provide IT security lessons from the corona crisis. The innovative conclusion is the lecture “Safety, Security and Privacy”. They will show how you can rethink and redesign the topic of security by design, shown using a clear example from the automotive industry.

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