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    Hacker attacks on hospitals increased by almost 250 percent

    CISA warns of a further increase in cyber attacks on healthcare in the USA. For 3 months, global activities on hospitals and health sectors have increased by 45 percent.

    Cyber ​​attacks range from ransomware to remote attacks. Nonetheless, ransomware is increasing and are the biggest malware threat to healthcare compared to other organizations. Ransomware attacks against hospitals cause particularly high damage, because every hack on the network has an impact on providers – and thus threatens lives. Not only do people in the care make an important part in health facilities around the world are currently fighting against the dangerous virus. But the precarious in particular is a particularly attractive breeding ground for cyber attackers.

    The Attacks Worldwide

    Europe tops the list with attacks against health sectors rising 150 percent. With a particular focus on individual countries, the cybersecurity advisory shows that there has been an increase of 250 % more attacks on healthcare in North America and an increase of 200 % in central Europe.


    Attacks Do Not Start With Ransomware

    Ransomwares usually start with a Trojan. It has often been found that the Trojan infects networks for days or weeks before the ransomware. The facility’s security should be on the lookout for Trickbot and Emotet, as these malware open the doors to ransomware.

    • Increase protection over the weekend and holidays
    • Most ransomware hits on weekends and holidays, when IT and security experts were not working.
    • Inform employees about dangerous mails

    Educating employees about identifying and avoiding ransomware is essential. Many hackers start with emails that don’t even contain malware, but a message that leads the recipient to access the link. In order for employees to be able to recognize these mails, companies must offer security training in this way.

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