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    Increase Security In Your Own WordPress Environment

    Your company website is the main highlight of your online marketing. You have put a lot of work and, above all, often a lot of money into it in order to optimally design the experience with your online presence for your users. Therefore, you protect your homepage like your eyeball. But no matter what you do for security, it will never be enough. We will introduce you to the most common errors that occur in WordPress security and give tips on how to prevent them. It is up to you to get the usual WordPress security errors under control from the start.

    WordPress security

    Implement Themes And Plugins From Unsafe Sources

    WordPress awareness has made it one of the favorite hacking targets. But the page is not always attacked from the outside, the site owner is the source of the error. This mostly happens when free WordPress themes and plugins are installed. Many free templates have errors, a malicious JAVA script and many other problems may occur.

    No Regular Backups

    Even if you take all the precautions, nothing is 100% certain. Therefore you should update your page regularly! If something goes wrong, you can always go back to the last working version of your website. If you use a quality hoster, backups are made every day. To be on the safe side, you should implement your own backup solution.

    A Bad Hosting Environment

    Everything depends on reasonable hosting. 45 percent of hacks are due to unsafe servers. That is almost half. It is all the more important to choose the right hoster. If you choose a cheap host, you save on security and support. Think of hosting your WordPress site as an investment in your business! Even if your website isn’t the target of a hack, it can cause collateral damage, for example on shared servers.

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