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    Microsoft has discovered a new ransomware that attacks Android device

    Microsoft warned of a new stage of development of ransomware for Android device. The new ransomware that security researchers are going to have is called MalLocker-B. They have the same opinions with the known malware, but they use new ways to prevent users from accessing their mobile phones.

    As with the largest ransomware attacks on Android device this one does not destroy the data on the phone. However, the malware displays a message on the screen with a field request that the user cannot click away. Often these are set as if they came from security measures. This is to confirm the user that they have to pay a fine.

    Android device

    Ransomware Uses New Attack Systems

    Other ransomware variants had often used the system warning to prevent the user from accessing other phone features. Since Google took precautions against this kind of attack in the current versions, hackers have resorted to accessibility features. This was less effective and gave users more opportunities to pass the ransomware and delete the malicious program. The new cyber attack now uses call notifications to display the ransom in screen. The latter is triggered when the user wants to move a text to the background, for example by pressing the home button. In this way, the malware ensures that the message remains permanently in the foreground. The security experts at Microsoft explain that the hackers are using a new way. Instead of encrypting the files on the device, the malware accesses to the device using a window. MalLocker-B is currently distributed with online platforms, disguised as well known programs. To protect themselves, users should only download them from known sources such as the Play Store and also pay attention to the user ratings there.

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