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    Zoom has temporarily deactivated the integration of Giphy

    Zoom cut the Giphy integration on its chat. However, the function should come back after technical and safety measures have been implemented. The company does not specifically describe what led to this step or which changes are made.

    Zoom has also identified some of the security issues as demand for its service has increased during the coronavirus pandemic and people are working and training remotely. Zoom and Giphy did not immediately respond to requests for comments on Monday.

    Zoom States That Privacy Of Users Remains Protected

    A blog post by Zoom states that this is to ensure that the privacy of users remains protected. The GIF platform Giphy has just been taken over by social media and assigned to photo services. The program is insured to be retained for other apps and developers.

    Protection Of User Data

    The US Democratic Senate warned that the takeover would increase the social network’s control over online communications and there have been past violations of user privacy. Several companies were asked whether they would continue to offer Giphy. There was no direct rejection of the platform, but some providers assured that no user data would flow through the integration so far.

    Zoom is currently working on improving its security standards. There were some problems at the beginning of the corona crisis and the global restrictions that led to increased use of the service. Now users want to enable encryption for video conferences with several people. Nevertheless, the data protection advises against Zoom. The company mentioned the change as part of its latest list of security updates for the platform, which also includes screen sharing restrictions, changes to mute features and restrictions on meeting sign-in from multiple devices.

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