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    French Underwear Seller Le Slip Français Faces Data Breach

    French luxury underwear retailer Le Slip Français has recently fallen victim to a cyber attack, resulting in the theft of customer data. The company, known for its high-quality lingerie, swimwear, and accessories, confirmed the breach on April 15th, acknowledging the unauthorized access to customer information.

    The stolen data includes personal details such as email addresses, names, phone numbers, physical addresses, and purchase histories. Despite this, Le Slip Français has reassured customers that no sensitive information like account passwords or payment card details were compromised in the attack.

    In response to the breach, the company has taken immediate action, containing the attack and intensifying monitoring efforts to detect any potential fraudulent activities. They have also notified the French Data Protection Authority CNIL and other relevant authorities about the incident.

    Security consultant Troy Hunt, who operates the data breach tracking website Have I Been Pwned, revealed that the leaked data had surfaced on a well-known hacking forum. The information was posted by a threat actor using the alias shopifyGUY, who has been linked to previous data breaches, including the recent Giant Tiger Canada leak.

    The hacker claimed that the leaked data contained over 696,000 customer details and 1.5 million email addresses. Hunt suggested that the use of the alias “shopifyGUY” could indicate a common method of breaching Shopify keys, which could explain the consistent format of the leaked data.

    In a public statement, Le Slip Français expressed regret over the incident and emphasized their commitment to ensuring the security and privacy of their customers. They urged customers to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities related to their accounts.

    Cybersecurity experts have highlighted the importance of implementing robust security measures, such as regular audits and software updates, to prevent future breaches. They also advised customers to use strong, unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication to enhance their account security.

    The data breach at Le Slip Français serves as a reminder of the persistent threats posed by cybercriminals. As businesses continue to digitize their operations, it is crucial for them to prioritize cybersecurity to safeguard customer data and maintain trust.

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