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    New Unc0ver Tool: Apple’s Latest Threat

    For almost a decade, the Apple company has risen to the occasion countless times as they have stopped hackers from gaining access to its security protocols and restrictions.

    It’s been a back-and-forth game between the hackers and Apple security system.

    A light might just have shone in the tunnel for these hackers as it now seems like the hackers have gotten a breakthrough which could spell doom for Apple.

    The breakthrough comes in the form of a jailbreak app.

    The “jailbreak” app, unc0ver, might be the undoing of the tech giants. In past years, there was a plethora of jailbreaks, even those that worked briefly by adapting a web page. But the tightened security of the Apple system made it impossible for jailbreaks to function and made them unavailable to the public.

    Apple’s Latest Threat

    The release of this jailbreak app is the first of its kind since the unveiling of iOS 10 in 2017. It’s a tad bit difficult to install, but it works on almost all modern iDevices from IOS 11 through 13.5 models.

    The overall idea of a jailbreak is a security compromise to the Apple devices. The stringent regulations (limiting the access and service of apps on apple devices by controlling their distribution), placed by Apple, ensures that apps and devices which do not follow Apple’s rule do not make it to the App store.

    What this jailbreak signifies is that Apple users can now access apps that shouldn’t ordinarily be in the store; thereby creating a security loophole for the company.

    The app’s creators have gone, as far as uploading the installation process on the official unc0ver website. This process involves the connection of the device to a computer, and then, depending on your operating system, employing tools like Altstore, Apple’s Xcode, or Cydia Impalctor to install the .uncover.ipa file.

    On the one hand, since installation depends on physical access, there is little or no risk of running into malware. On the other hand, anyone who gets hold of your phone can easily access it using the unc0ver app.

    All eyes are on the tech giants to see how they will combat this latest development.

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