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    NSA Infiltrates Thousands Of Computers Worldwide

    Controversial methods, but a good goal: For a long time, the NSA was a fighter for secure infrastructure in the technology industry. That was a misconception. The latest revelations show that the NSA security and its serving goals.

    The U.S. intelligence agency NSA has had a strange but not bad reputation in the technology industry. There is little fundamental rejection, NSA developers are considered capable, hardly anyone sees their motivation and the overarching goals of their service. There has been a consensus: even if there are arguments about some actions, the NSA basically wants the same thing as IT companies and users: a secure network, a protected infrastructure.

    nsa hacker

    All of the NSA developments have probably really improved the security of the systems. But given the latest revelations about the NSA’s attacks on basic network infrastructure, the role of the secret service needs to be reassessed. The NSA does not make the network overall more secure, on the contrary.

    The NSA Buys Attack Vulnerabilities Instead Of Publishing Them

    According to the Washington Post, the NSA is buying security gaps in the gray market for its attacks on computer systems. More than 20 million dollars are expected to be spent this year. This trade in previously unknown security gaps is problematic in many ways. It will hardly be in the interest of the NSA that the gaps will be filled before the secret service has exploited them for attacks and taken over vulnerable systems. There is a contradiction between more security on the web and the interest of the US government in successful cyberattacks by the NSA.

    The NSA Attacks Encryption Standards Instead Of Strengthening Them

    The US government spends nearly $ 10 billion a year on encryption standard cracking programs. 30,000 employees are expected to work on it. If that is true, there is probably no one in the world who spends more money for the so-called Crypto Apocalypse to occur soon than the US government. This is how security researchers have named the moment when the most important encryption standards are cracked. When this happens, methods used today to secure e-commerce, banking and communication.

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