Security researchers have discovered some cyber attacks that are targeted against the delivery of vaccine against COVID. The targeted attacks began in 2 months ago and were directed against the European Commission and authorities.
Everything points to a state actor, they write on, but without being more precise. The cyber attackers were apparently interested in that part that deals with the transportation of the vaccines. It is unclear whether it was about theft or espionage.
Supply Chain As A New Destination
After the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis, research on vaccines had already come into the focus of cyber attackers and now before the start of what is believed to be the largest vaccination process in history, the focus seems to be changing. The warning from experts suggests that research is no longer the main goal of such criminals, but rather the delivery of the vaccines. Several developers had recently announced great successes in the studies, the current issue is approval. Millions of people around the world will receive their first vaccination this year.

The experts explain that the hackers pretend to be a high ranking representative of a corporation that actually exists and is part of the supply chain. The emails would try to get access, possibly in order to gain access to company systems in a further step.
The Reasons Of The Cyber Attacks Are Still Unclear
According to the cyber experts in USA, the phishing were coordinated against companies in Europe and Asia. The targets were therefore suppliers of important digital innovation for the vaccines, for example for distribution in countries with insecure power supplies.
A first vaccine was approved in England this week and could be distributed soon. In Russia and Asia vaccinations have been carried out for a long time, but how well they actually protect and what effects they can have is currently largely open.