Which key competencies do we need in an increasingly digital key world of life and work? The new digital skills of 2021 look into this question.
Among other things, a study examines the most known digital skills and examines in which overarching areas the need for new qualifications is greatest. In addition, it shows how specialists and executives assess their qualification needs and that of their workforce today and how training must be tailored to empower employees. The background to the study is the fact that digitization and the developments that go with it are massively changing our lives and our work. The pandemic also accelerated this process. This continuous change demands constant adaptation and further development from all people – for many also and above all in their activities. Because with the change to the world of work, not only is the war for talents for digital talent intensifying, many existing jobs are also changing, other jobs are being dropped and at the same time completely new professions and roles are emerging that require diverse digital skills.
Labor market researchers assume that around 25 % of today’s jobs will no longer exist in 10 years. There is increasing pressure for companies to invest in upskilling their own teams so that the ability to act is retained. We therefore wanted to know which digital key competencies will be particularly in demand in the future.
There Is A Particular Need
Executives go into great data about the digital future skills and the relevant areas of responsibility that employees and companies need in order to be successful in the working world.
In addition to the focus on the most important future skills, further trainings should, according to the study, also be designed in the future in such a way that they contribute to the individual goals of the participants and enable them to develop or deepen one or more skills in their existing role. Further education should also focus on the aspect. As the results make clear, the drive and motivation for education arise primarily from the desire to develop and optimize oneself and one’s abilities. The employee himself should always be the focus of the further training offer.