IT security experts see a high chance threat from cyber attacks for the economy. But there are also indicators that are cautiously good: 75 % of the experts, and thus fewer than in the previous year, assume that the threat will continue to increase. In the previous year, 90 % of those surveyed had assumed that the threat situation was at least growing. This is shown by the IT security study 2021 by eco – Association.
The background of this threat situation – many companies do not protect themselves adequately against attacks by hackers. In fact, according to the eco survey, around 58 % of the experts questioned see the economy as inadequately positioned. A comparison with the previous year alone is cautiously optimistic: In 2019, 65 % and thus 10 % percent more experts agreed with the statement that the economy was inadequately positioned.

IT Security Needs Top Priority Even In The Pandemic
Experts warn to correctly classify the slightly tendencies of the survey results. A clear majority of IT security in Europe continue to assume that the IT security situation for companies will continue to deteriorate. Those responsible must continue to give IT security top priority; the pandemic must not be used as an excuse for inadequate IT security. Small and medium-sized companies in particular are still at massive risk from cyber attacks. For companies that are already weakened by the pandemic, a targeted attack by cyber criminals could even threaten their very existence.
A number from the IT security companies survey confirms the thesis that many managers simply underestimate the risk: Only 15 % of those responsible see their own company as inadequately positioned in view of the cyber threats. In fact, every fifth company had one or more serious security incidents in the past year.