Researchers have discovered that about 14.8% of users of android phones that were targeted with mobile adware or malware the previous year have undeletable files on their mobile. The malware range from the ones that install, and can run apps without the user’s knowledge like Trojans down to less wrecking ones with very intrusive ad apps.
On Monday, the firm tries to explain what a system partition infection is all about; it is detailed to be a high risk for the users of infected devices in which a security solution can’t reach the system directories. This, in simple terms, means the inability to get out the malicious files. It is discovered that most affected users are those with low-cost devices; and those with pre-installed default applications that it isn’t easy to remove
A system partition system can occur in two ways. According to the firm, either the threat has access to a device to install adware in the system partition; or the code for showing ads accesses the device’s fireware before the user bought the phone. The consequence here is that with any abuse, it can bring a significant compromise on the user’s device.
The malicious and unwanted apps
The two most prevalent types of malware that have been found by Kaspersky for installing threats in the system partition of Andriod phones are triada Trojans and Lezok, the two older threats. Going by the analysis, Lezok is known for its ad code embedded, which is not anywhere but deep in libandriod runtime; that is a leading library used by every app on the user’s device. For Trojan, it hides in the app that deals with the graphical interface or the setting utility; and without them, the device will malfunction.
It is true that android users are not only attacked by threats like the adware; but can also be at risk even before buying the device. The mobile device suppliers aren’t helping because they focus more on making a profit via in-device ad tools; even when they are harmful and cause havoc to the device owners.