Cyber-mobbing is becoming a huge risk in the current COVID crisis. According to a study, almost 20 percent of students in Germany are exposed to hostility and exposure online. Since the previous survey 3 years ago, the number has increased by 35 percent.
Smartphones Are Mainly Used For The Cyber Attacks
According to the study, cyber-mobbing involves insulting, often spreading lies and rumors, sharing unpleasant pics and creating false profiles. Cyber-mobbing is particularly common at secondary schools. According to the parents, a tenth of primary school students have now been victims of cyber-mobbing, although they use the internet less and are more closely checked by their parents than older people. The pandemic with accompanying homeschooling, distance learning and restrictions have also ensured that even more contacts have shifted to the online world. School side prevention is even less than usual under such situations.
Every sixth respondent between 8 and 21 years of age reports insults and exposures on the online world. That is an increase of around a third since the last survey three years ago. The chairman of the alliance said that the cyber criminals are more focused and harder than three years ago.
Cyber-mobbing gets girls and boys equally, there is no classic victim of such kind of criminality. In addition, it is difficult to spot from the outside. Every student who owns a smartphone can be or become a victim for criminals. And because the smartphone is always near them, you carry the perpetrator around with you. According to the study, 95 percent of the parents questioned are aware of the danger of cyber attacks in space and see it dangerous. Many teachers are also under pressure: 60 percent see an increasing workload for educators from the online world.