The Corona virus is primarily dangerous for humans, but unfortunately the crisis is also exploited by cyber threats. Malwarebytes security experts looked at the first three months of 2020 and saw a huge increase in cyber threats.
Range Of Cyber Attempts Are Wide
For example, attacks on bots is increased by 100%. Backdoor malware, which had been dormant for months, also made a comeback and saw an increase of 200%. In addition, there are massive phishing campaigns, which often revolve around the corona virus.
Corona Crisis Is Also Exploited By Cyber Criminals
The range of attempts is wide: there are e-mails that allegedly come from World Health Organization, alleged tracing cards from universities and attempts to lead to malware with information on the correct use of face masks. Mails that wanted to cheer the respective user on keyloggers or contained claims due to supposedly stolen data also increased sharply. The criminals try to exploit the insecurity of many people here. Older malware types are reactivated more quickly with slight adjustments. The malwares can enable remote desktop access and remote webcam control with the additional ability to steal passwords. Attempts to skim credit card data when making online purchases also increased. They grew by 25%.
Corona App Is Open Source
In the opinion of many fundamental rights activists and data protectionists, the app will not create motion profiles. In addition, the app will process the data decentrally on the devices, which was also a requirement of many data protectors. Most important is probably the fact that the app will be open source. Data protection experts will therefore be able to look under the bonnet of the app to determine how it works and how precise the privacy of users is. Then everyone can decide for themselves whether they want to use the app.