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    Google Face Match Data Protection And The VPN Activated Feature

    The previously unknown Google app has received a funny update: Now you can take a selfie and the app will find your secret twin...

    Privacy Issues On Smart TV Digital Life

    Protecting your own privacy in everyday digital life is difficult. At least since the presence of the mobile internet thanks to smartphones and the...

    Ways To Use Less Data On Facebook Messenger

    Facebook Messenger is an instant messenger and allows direct communication with friends on Facebook. However, it is the case that not all messages end...

    VPN Installation Options For Safe Activities

    Do you need the best VPN for your PC? Then you're at the right place. This is exactly what we will cover in this...

    Is The Tiktok App Dangerous For Children?

    With the TikTok app, short music videos can be recorded in portrait format, uploaded and shared on the network. TikTok has millions of songs...

    Configuration Of S3 Buckets At Amazon Web Services

    If the new IT employee suggests installing a publicly accessible web server on your central file server, consider separating from it. If he now...

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