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    Parents Concerned With The Cyber Protection Issues Of Smartphones And Whatsapp

    Children and young people are increasingly under the spell of electronic gadgets. The associated risks can hardly be contained using technical means.

    A Smartphone In The Hand Of A Child – This Puts Many Parents In A Quandary

    On the one hand, they don’t want to restrict their child unduly and don’t make it worse than their peers. Shouldn’t the children also learn to deal with digital media? On the other hand, they are afraid of the risks because they cannot control what their offspring do with their smartphones. It unsettles them that they are usually not as familiar with what is happening on their smartphones – like numbers, data and facts.

    Cyber Protection

    Various Cyber Risks

    The concerns are well founded. All devices have the potential to put the child in uncomfortable or dangerous situations. The problem that children face most online is bullying. Almost one in five adolescents indicated that false or offensive content had been (intentionally or accidentally) disseminated via cell phone or on the internet.

    WhatsApp, the most-used app by young people should play a special role here. The messenger is indispensable because often the communication of the sports club or even the school runs over it – it is not without cyber danger. Parents, educators and politicians are particularly concerned with the issue of using cell phones at school. There is a lot of bullying going on through this channel. This is nothing special at first, it happens in the school yard too. In WhatsApp, the attacker, unlike at school, does not see the victim’s reaction. He doesn’t notice how much pain he is causing to others. WhatsApp also offers other technical options than pure rabble, such as the distribution of photos. The maximum penalty, however, is to kick someone out of a common WhatsApp group, because if you don’t chat in the WhatsApp group, you’re outside.

    In addition, there are specialized services such as Tellonym that just invite you to get rid of others. With the app, everyone can easily get feedback – for example, about a project, a question or even about themselves. Anyone who receives the link to a feedback request can leave their opinion anonymously there without their own account. In many cases, drastic insults or even suicide calls can be noted, explains the service organization.

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